Increased Marketing Efficiency
By automating data integration and transformation, Syntes AI reduces the time spent on manual processes, allowing teams to focus on creating more effective marketing strategies.


Improved Customer Targeting
With a unified customer profile and real-time insights, marketing teams can craft personalized campaigns that resonate with specific customer segments, leading to higher engagement rates.

Enhanced Customer Retention
Syntes AI’s actionable insights allow teams to anticipate customer needs and deliver personalized experiences, which increases customer loyalty and lifetime value.

Syntes AI empowers your company to create a comprehensive, single view of each customer by integrating and unifying data from various sources such as CRM systems, sales channels, and support platforms. Unlike other platforms, Syntes AI leverages advanced graph data technology and automated data connectors to combine disparate data sources seamlessly. This lets you quickly ingest, transform, and model data from multiple channels and visualize customer interactions in real-time.

With Syntes AI, marketing teams can:

  • Automatically connect data sources: Utilize pre-built connectors for e-commerce channels, sales channels, and data stores.
  • Easily connect with no-low-code custom data connectors: Easily and effortlessly add data connectors specific to your business needs.
  • Create a unified customer profile: Gain a holistic view of customer behavior and preferences.
  • Generate actionable insights: Use generative AI to uncover hidden patterns and personalize marketing efforts.

Steps to Implement

  1. Data Ingestion: Connect with pre-build or custom no-low-code connectors via the Syntes App Store.
  2. Data Transformation: Automatically map and transform disparate data sources into a unified customer view.
  3. Data Visualization: Use Syntes AI’s graph data analytics to visualize customer interactions, preferences, and behaviors.
  4. Actionable Insights: Leverage generative AI to develop targeted marketing campaigns and improve customer engagement.

By integrating customer data with Syntes AI, marketing teams can drive more intelligent decisions, optimize customer experiences, and increase customer lifetime value. The platform’s flexibility and powerful analytics enable you to stay ahead of the competition with deeper insights and a seamless, automated process.