Ensure Data Consistency
Syntes AI ensures product data is accurate and consistent across all sales channels, reducing pricing, descriptions, and inventory discrepancies.

Boost Customer Confidence
By providing customers with consistent and accurate product details wherever they shop, Syntes AI helps improve customer satisfaction and trust, leading to higher conversion rates.


Increase Operational Efficiency
Automating the synchronization of product information across sales channels significantly reduces manual work, allowing teams to focus on higher-value tasks.

Business Challenge

Retailers and e-commerce businesses often struggle to maintain consistent and accurate product information across multiple sales channels. Inconsistent product details, such as pricing, descriptions, and availability, can lead to customer confusion, lost sales, and damaged brand credibility. Manually managing product data across various platforms is time-consuming and prone to errors, impacting both the customer experience and internal efficiency.

Syntes AI provides a robust solution for synchronizing product information across all sales channels. Leveraging advanced data integration capabilities, including pre-built and custom no-low-code connectors, Syntes AI ensures that product information is consistent and accurate across e-commerce platforms, marketplaces, and in-store systems.

By utilizing Syntes AI’s graph data analytics, companies can visualize how product data interacts across different channels, allowing for real-time updates and synchronization. Automated data transformation tools ensure that product information is uniformly formatted and distributed across channels, enhancing the customer experience by providing accurate, up-to-date product details regardless of where customers shop.

Key Features
With Syntes AI, product and sales teams can:

  • Seamless Data Integration: Synchronize product information across multiple sales channels with pre-built and custom no-low-code connectors, ensuring consistency and accuracy in real-time.
  • Unified Product Data Management: Centralize all product information into a single repository, making it easier to manage and synchronize across platforms.
  • Real-Time Synchronization: Automatically update product data across all channels in real-time, ensuring customers receive the most accurate details regardless of their shopping platform.
  • Automated Data Transformation: Standardize product details such as pricing, descriptions, and inventory levels to ensure uniformity across sales platforms.

Steps to Implement

  1. Data Integration: Connect all sales channels, e-commerce platforms, and product information systems using Syntes AI’s app store connectors or custom no-low-code connectors.
  2. Data Standardization: Automatically standardize product data across channels to ensure uniformity in descriptions, pricing, and availability.
  3. Real-Time Synchronization: Enable real-time updates across platforms to ensure any changes made to product data are reflected across all sales channels.
  4. Data Distribution: Distribute accurate, up-to-date product details to every channel, ensuring customers have access to consistent product information.

Syntes AI streamlines managing product data across multiple sales channels by offering real-time synchronization and automated data standardization. With Syntes AI, businesses can maintain consistent and accurate product information across platforms, reducing errors, saving time, and improving the customer experience.