Improved Employee Engagement Syntes AI helps HR teams identify and address performance challenges, boosting engagement and retention.

Boost in Productivity By addressing skill gaps and rewarding top performers; organizations can see a measurable increase in workforce productivity.

Optimized Training Programs With more profound insights into employee performance, companies can develop targeted training initiatives that directly address skill gaps and improve long-term performance.

Business Challenge

Organizations often struggle to analyze employee performance data effectively due to the sheer volume and complexity of information spread across multiple HR systems and departments. Without centralized data and advanced analytics, it can be challenging to identify top performers, pinpoint skill gaps, and develop targeted strategies for improving productivity.


Syntes AI enables businesses to aggregate employee performance data from various sources into a unified platform. By leveraging advanced graph data analytics and real-time insights, companies can analyze key performance indicators (KPIs), uncover hidden trends, and better understand their workforce. HR teams can identify top performers, address skill gaps through targeted training programs, and optimize workforce productivity.

Key Features

  • Pre-Built Data Connectors: Use pre-built connectors to seamlessly connect HR platforms, time-tracking tools, and performance management systems.
  • Custom No-Low-Code Data Connectors: Easily integrate additional employee performance data sources without requiring complex coding tailored to your business needs.
  • Performance Data Visualization: Visualize employee performance trends with advanced graph-based analytics for insight into productivity and engagement.
  • Generative AI Insights: Use generative AI to identify trends in employee performance and suggest actionable strategies for performance improvement.

Steps to Implement

  1. Data Ingestion: Connect Syntes AI to various HR and performance management systems using pre-built or custom connectors.
  2. Data Transformation: Automatically map and transform performance data into a unified format for easy analysis.
  3. Data Visualization: Use graph data visualization to explore trends in employee performance, identifying key contributors and areas for improvement.
  4. Actionable Insights: Leverage generative AI to develop targeted performance improvement strategies and personalized training plans.


By centralizing employee performance data and analyzing it with Syntes AI’s advanced capabilities, companies can enhance their HR strategies, identify top performers, and address performance issues quickly and effectively. The result is a more productive, engaged workforce with data-driven insights to guide decision-making.