Orders application

Orders — the data about all your omnichhannel orders in one place. No matter how many marketplaces and online stores you use for sales, all orders information is gathered at Syntes AI!

Key Features

Here is what you can do with the Orders application

Keep and browse in one place and unified form information about customer orders in multiple D2C channels

Customize the order management process from the recipient to delivery for each D2C channel

Generate analytical reports in a convenient form to track trends and receive forecasts

Use orders data as feeds in AI-based systems business decision-making



Seamless synchronization between ERP system, supply chain, and CRM systems. No more problems using different data formats

Integration of various fulfillment services and methods: courier service, delivery to pickup points and offline stores, FBS and FBM

The whole picture of customer orders in one place. Managers and support will work more efficiently, and buyers will get a catchy customer experience

Fast and accurate returns processing. Customers are loyal to the brand, and your reputation remains excellent

Do you want to see Syntes AI Orders application in action?